So I applied for a job on Tuesday. A local magazine was seeking someone to distribute their publication. One job. Over thirty applicants. Haven't heard back from them. Not surprised!
This morning, in honor of the last day of school, I let my son sleep in and I drove him the 8 miles to school as opposed to his catching the very early bus. Passing the gas station, I noticed the price of one gallon of unleaded gasoline: $3.90.
My husband got paid today. I paid the bills. Some of them were late and we got stabbed with those extra service charges. But, we have water, electricity and cable for another month. Woohoo! And we have $220 left to hold us over for another month. Hmmm... trying to figure out how to divy that up:
-Medications? (one daughter with no insurance = $200.00/month for prescriptions)
-Doctor visit? (daughter has to go to doctor this month = $100+ ).
-Food? Son is out of school for the summer so that means three meals a day at home. (Have you fed a growing boy lately??)
-Gas for the car?
I just can't decide which of these luxuries to splurge on....
Polsterbett Hohes Kopfteil
6 years ago
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